Applications for places in Year 10 for September 2023

RDUTC is oversubscribed for places in Year 10. As a result we applied our oversubscription criteria last week to select those students to be offered places (see Admission policy).

Letters have now been posted to parents/carers of students who have been offered places.  Those parents/carers must complete and return the acceptance form included with the letter.

We are really sorry that we are unable to offer places to all students who applied.

Please note:

We only contact parents/carers of students who have been offered  a place in the first instance. We then wait to see if they accept their places.  If any don’t, we will apply our oversubscription criteria to select another student from those who weren’t selected the first time. This can go on for a few weeks.  Once we get to the end of March, we will contact all parents/carers of students who haven’t been offered places and ask if they want to go on the waiting list.

RDUTC will continue to take applications for Year 10 until 31st August.  These applications will be included in the oversubscription criteria selection process should a place become available.

If you would like further information, please contact Mark Ollerenshaw (Vice Principal) by email at [email protected]