Work Experience

Employability Skills

Experience of work is crucial to developing personal and employability skills.  At RDUTC it comes in many forms, including:

  • Our Professional Values and Behaviours policy
  • Our ‘working’ week
  • Participation in employer projects, working alongside professionals from our Employer Partners, often within their businesses
  • Industry Insight visits to and from our Employer Partners
  • Industry Experience placements

Industry Experience Placements

The vast majority of Industry Experience placements take place in the summer holidays between Year 12 and Year 13 to negate impact on student progress towards their qualifications.   

Industry Experience placements are co-ordinated by the Heads of Human Resources from our Employer Partners who work closely with our Assistant Principal – Professionalism, and our Joint Heads of Sixth Form. .

The Industry Experience placement programme is designed to mirror the application process for apprenticeships with our Employer Partners.  It is a trial run for the real apprenticeship application process which starts in the autumn term of Year 13.   

As well as developing personal and employability skills, our Industry Experience placements give students the opportunity to find out what it would be like to work for the Employer Partners they are interested in, to inform their applications.  They also give our Employer Partners the opportunity to get to know students who are thinking of applying to them for apprenticeships to inform the selection process.  This two-way ‘try before you buy’ process maximises our students’ success of finding an apprenticeship within a business that ‘fits’ them and vice versa.  


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