The Sixth Form Curriculum is fully compliant with the Department for Education’s 16 to 19 Programmes of Study Guidance for 2019/2020.
All students have programmes of study which include:
Every programme of study has a core aim which is agreed with the student and includes one or more substantial academic or technical qualifications selected from the following list:
The Entry Criteria for our 6th form courses is:
The application of theory to ‘real’ projects, designed and delivered with our University and Employer Partners, underpins everything we do in the Sixth Form. Some projects focus on subject-specific, specialist and technical knowledge and skills which consolidate and extend students’ learning. Others develop their personal and employability skills, helping to prepare them for the next steps in their journey onto further or higher education, apprenticeships and employment.
Personal and Employability Skills Development – Sixth Form
Our Personal and Employability Skills Development Curriculum is comprehensive and has equity with our academic and technical curriculum. It provides opportunities for students to develop the following skills, prioritised by our University and Employer Partners: leadership; team-work; independence; communication; resilience; entrepreneurship. It also allows students to engage in activities to extend their specialist knowledge and experiences. In addition, it teaches students about how to lead a healthy and safe lifestyle and promotes cultural capital.
At the start of each academic year, we run an induction period for all students which ensures they understand how to keep themselves and others safe in school and the wider world. The following areas are covered:
These topics are revisited annually.
Opportunities to promote Cultural Capital are embedded into our academic, creative and technical courses and Personal Development Curriculum.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Our aim is for 100% of our students to progress onto a positive destination at the end of Year 13 (Higher Education or an apprenticeship). CEIAG is extremely high profile at RDUTC and co-ordinated by our University and Employer Partners. Our CEIAG programme is fully compliant with all the Gatsby Benchmarks and includes:
Download the latest Ron Dearing UTC prospectus here