We have developed an extensive Phased Re-opening Plan for Years 10 and 12, with effect from w/b 15th June. The safety of staff and parents is our first priority.
This plan has followed consultation with the Department for Education, teacher trade unions, all staff, our Parent Teacher Association and our Governing Board.
Here are the details.
What the government has instructed secondary schools to do
- “Provide some face-to-face support to supplement the remote education (online learning) of Year 10 and Year 12” from 15th June.
- Limit the numbers of students in school at any one time to “a quarter of the Year 10 and Year 12 cohort” in order to “control the numbers attending school to reduce the risk of increasing transmission”.
- Continue to deliver online learning as “the predominant form of education”.
- Avoid students and staff using public transport during peak travel times.
- Limit class sizes to allow for social distancing – 2m apart.
Our priorities
- Maximise the safety of staff and students.
- Reduce transmission of COVID-19.
- Provide a valuable learning experience – not ‘paying lip service’.
- Ensure all subjects are covered during face-to-face learning.
- Our phased re-opening plan has been carefully put together in consultation with:
- The Department for Education.
- Teacher trade unions.
- All staff.
- The Parent Teacher Association.
- The Governing Board.
- Thank you to everyone involved!
Year 10
Hours: 10.30am – 3.00pm.
- Maintain existing online learning programme via Teams, including live meetings.
- Introduce weekly in-school learning programme:
- W/b 15th June Options A & B.
- W/b 22nd June English & Maths.
- W/b 29th June Science
- W/b 6th July Option C & English.
- W/b 13th July Reviews
- Divide year group into four groups.
- Ensure class sizes do not exceed 10 students.
- Every student will attend one full day per week.
Year 12
Hours: 10.30am – 3.00pm.
- Maintain existing online learning programme via Teams, including live meetings.
- Introduce weekly in-school learning programme:
- W/b 15th June A Level subjects.
- W/b 22nd June Technical subjects.
- W/b 29th June Technical subjects.
- W/b 6th July A Level subjects.
- W/B 13th July Reviews
- Ensure groups sizes do not exceed 10 students.
- Student attendance per week will vary depending on courses being studied.
Strategies in place to minimise risk of transmission
1) Social distancing
- Arrival: Students queue at 2m outside RDUTC – SLT to manage entrance – everyone to adhere to 2m social distance on entrance to building.
- Classrooms set out as follows:
- Separate seats 2m apart.
- 10 students max.
- 2m barricade for teachers – front row of desks.
- Laptops on desks.
- Breaks to be taken in seats in classrooms.
- Lunch: Classes to be escorted to and from dining areas by SLT – staggered movement time.
- Departure: Classes to be dismissed by SLT – staggered.
2) PPE / hygiene
- In addition to handwashing / sanitiser / deep cleaning etc:
- RDUTC to provide students with a ‘COVID-kit’ to include: hand sanitiser; tissue packs; wipes; pen; pencil; ruler; rubber; calculator.
- RDUTC to provide students and staff with washable, non-medical face coverings which MUST be worn:
- On entry to school.
- When moving around corridor.
- In dining areas.
- In classrooms IF the teacher requests it.
- On public transport to and from school, if relevant.
- Staff and students to wipe down work areas / keyboards before and after use.
- Rooms and equipment to be cleaned before and after each lesson.
3) Response to symptoms
- Where possible, staff and students to test temperature before setting off for school. If temperature is above 37.5 degrees:
- Stay at home and self-isolate
- Call Attendance line to report absence.
- Temperature reader at entrance barriers to screen staff and students. If temperature is above 37.5 degrees:
- Go to COVID Isolation Room (Reception).
- Temperature retested after 15 mins.
- Temperature still above 37.5 degrees:
- Students: parents contacted to collect.
- Staff: go home.
- Students displaying symptoms during the day: Call out to alert SLT – face covering on – sent immediately to COVID Isolation Room. Parents contacted to collect.
- Staff displaying symptoms during the day: Mask on – alert SLT for cover – go home.
Note to parents and students
- It is essential that all staff and students comply with ALL the strategies in place to protect students and staff and minimise the risk of transmission.
- If students are unable or unwilling to do so, they will NOT be able to return for face-to-face learning for the time-being.
- Whilst we want as many students as possible to take up the offer of returning to school, we understand that not everyone will feel safe to do so. There will be NO sanctions if students do not attend.
Note to parents
- If you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 infection you and your son / daughter should self-isolate and must not come into the RDUTC building.
- If you wish to drop-off and / or collect your son / daughter from school by car, you must use the History Centre car park behind RDUTC and remain in your car.
- If you wish to walk with your son / daughter to and from school, you must leave them and pick them up from an area more than 50m from RDUTC.
- You must not gather at entrance doors or the area immediately surrounding RDUTC.
- You must not enter the RDUTC building unless you have a pre-arranged appointment.
- Please phone Reception on 01482 222299 to arrange a meeting.
Daily safety checks: Students
Before coming to school each day, please check the following:
- You are not currently suffering from any of the following:
- A fever (high temperature).
- Persistent cough.
- Breathlessness
- An altered sense of taste / smell.
- No-one in your household is currently suffering from any of the above.
- No-one in your household is currently self-isolating due to local guidance on COVID-19 infection.
- You have no reason to believe that you are at genuine risk of having been in contact with someone infected with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
- No-one in your household has received a positive COVID-19 test result in the past 14 days.
If you are unable to answer ‘yes’ to one or more of the above statements you must NOT come to school. Please ring the Attendance line on 01482 222299.
Next steps
- RDUTC staff to phone ALL parents to see if their son / daughter is returning w/b 15th June and answer any questions.
- RDUTC to send students’ individual timetables for 15th June in post and via email.
- Heath and Safety Inspection to be carried out on Friday, 12th June to test readiness to re-opening.
- RDUTC phased re-opening to start Monday 15th June PROVIDING:
- RDUTC passes the Health & Safety Inspection
- the Department for Education gives final approval for secondary schools to re-open.
- Text and email to be sent home Sunday, 14th June to parents / students to confirm.