Students at Ron Dearing UTC are developing their understanding of a wide range of faiths and cultures thanks to the school’s commitment to fostering an inclusive learning environment.
Throughout the school year the UTC hosts a range of multi-faith activities to help students develop a greater understanding and tolerance for people of a diverse range of backgrounds.
By learning about different cultures and religions, students are better equipped to challenge stereotypes, build empathy and support inclusivity.
As well as celebrating Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter, the school celebrates religious festivals from other religions, including the Hindu festival of Diwali, the Jewish festival, Hanukkah and the Muslim festival, Eid-al-Fitr.

The school also recently hosted a multi-faith panel to answer student’s questions about different faiths and beliefs.
Community organisation Hull and East Riding Interfaith visited students with panellists on this occasion representing faiths including Islam, Christianity, Progressive Judaism and Atheism.
Panel members were impressed by the students and said the questions asked were “engaging and respectful”.

Jessica Cocker, teacher of RE and Fundamental British Values, said: “Our holistic Personal Development curriculum has a key focus on religious education, ensuring students develop an understanding of different faiths and cultures around the world, many of which are represented within our school community.
“Students are encouraged to be curious and learn about different cultures and celebrations from the religions covered in class as well as participate in hosted events such as the Diwali-themed lessons and enrichment activities, the multi-faith panel which included visitors from the local area and the Christmas lunch meal.
“Multi-faith celebrations are a huge part of the RDUTC culture with a clear emphasis on promoting respect for and understanding of others.”