We’re looking forward to welcoming all our students into school on Wednesday, 9th September, for the start of the 2020/21 academic year.
We have put in place extensive arrangements to ensure the safety of students and staff. Here are the details.
Our priorities
- Maximise the safety of staff and students.
- Reduce transmission of COVID-19.
- Ensure all students return to school and to face-to-face learning.
Strategies in place to minimise risk of transmission
- Students to arrive and enter via reception turnstiles. Temperature checked on entry. Face coverings put on.
- Breaks to be taken in ‘bubble social areas’:
- Year 10 – Floor 2.
- Year 11 – Conference Centre.
- Year 12 – Floor 1.
- Year 13 – Floor 3.
- The dining room will be closed to students at break times. Students to bring water/snacks to school to eat in bubble social areas at break. No fizzy/energy drinks are allowed. Water bottles will be provided on September 9th.
- Lunch:
- Years 11, 12 and 13:
- Lunch to be spent off site or in bubble social areas or in Dining 2 (if food pre-ordered from RDUTC).
- Lunches purchased from RDUTC to be pre-ordered.
- Access to Dining Room Servery limited to between 12.50pm and 1.15pm.
- Year 10:
- Lunch to be spent in bubble social area or in Dining 1 (if food pre-ordered from RDUTC).
- Lunches purchased from RDUTC to be pre-ordered.
- Access to Dining Room Servery limited to between 12.30pm and 12.50pm.
- Years 11, 12 and 13:
PPE Hygiene
In addition to handwashing/sanitiser/deep cleaning, etc:
- RDUTC to provide students with a ‘COVID-kit’ to include: hand sanitiser; tissue packs; wipes; pen; pencil; ruler; rubber; calculator.
- RDUTC to provide students and staff with washable, non-medical face coverings which MUST be worn:
- On entry to school.
- When moving around corridors.
- In Dining Room 1 Servery.
- On public transport to and from school, if relevant.
- Students to wipe down work areas/keyboards before and after use.
- Rooms and equipment to be cleaned before and after each lesson.
Response to symptoms
- Where possible, staff and students to test temperature before setting off for school. If temperature is above 37 degrees:
- Stay at home and self-isolate.
- Call Attendance Line to report absence.
- Get a COVID-19 test.
- Contact RDUTC with test outcome.
- Temperature reader at entrance barriers to test staff and students. If temperature is above 37 degrees:
- Go to COVID Isolation Room (reception).
- Temperature re-tested after 15 minutes.
- If temperature is still above 37 degrees:
- Students: parents contacted to collect – self-isolate – get a test – contact RDUTC with test outcome.
- Staff: go home – self-isolate – get a test – contact Principal with test outcome.
- Students displaying symptoms during the day: alert SLT – face covering on – sent immediately to COVID Isolation Room – parents contacted to collect – get a test – contact RDUTC with test outcome.
- Staff displaying symptoms during the day: face covering on – alert SLT for cover – go home – get a test – contact Principal with test outcome.
Daily safety check: students
Before coming to school each day, please check the following:
- You are not currently suffering from any of the following:
- A fever (high temperature).
- Persistent cough.
- Breathlessness.
- An altered sense of taste/smell.
- No-one in your household is currently suffering from any of the above.
- No-one in your household is currently self-isolating due to local guidance on COVID-19 infection.
- You have no reason to believe that you are at genuine risk of having been in contact with someone infected with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
- No-one in your household has received a positive COVID-19 test result in the past 14 days.
If you are unable to answer ‘yes’ to one or more of the above statements you must NOT come to school. Please ring the Attendance Line on 01482 222299.
Note to parents / carers
- If you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 infection you and your son/daughter should:
- Self-isolate.
- Ring the Attendance Line on 01482 222299
- Get a COVID-19 test.
- Contact RDUTC with the test outcome.
- If you wish to drop-off and /or collect your son/daughter from school by car, you must use the History Centre car park behind RDUTC and remain in your car.
- If you wish to walk with your son/daughter to and from school, you must leave them and pick them up from an area more than 50 meters from RDUTC.
- You must not gather at entrance doors or the area immediately surrounding RDUTC.
- You must not enter the RDUTC building unless you have a pre-arranged appointment.
- Please phone reception on 01482 222299 to arrange meetings.
Thank you for your support.