Teenagers at Hull’s employer-led school are receiving essential support to help them navigate their future relationships, make informed choices and keep themselves and others healthy and safe.
Students in Year 10 and 11 receive Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) throughout the year in weekly Personal Development lessons which are delivered by teaching staff as well as a range of professionals and specialists from different services in the local area.
Building on their earlier learning, students in Years 12 and 13 recently took part in RHSE sessions to provide them with important information to help keep safe and healthy, and embrace the challenges of adult life.

Throughout the sessions students revisited their understanding of topics including healthy relationships, consent and the law, safeguarding and abuse, and sexual health.
Jessica Cocker, Teacher of RE and Fundamental British Values, who led the sessions said: “RHSE is particularly relevant to young people who are on the cusp of leaving home, such as those planning to go to university or who are old enough to attend festivals and night clubs and drink alcohol in pubs.
“Raising awareness of the risks associated with drinking alcohol, drug-taking and unhealthy relationships was, therefore, a key focus of the Year 12 and Year 13 sessions.”

In addition to the face-to-face RHSE sessions at RDUTC, students regularly receive information, advice and guidance in the form of monthly ‘Spotlight on Safety’ e-bulletins, which cover areas such as sexually transmitted infections, contraception and where to go for support and advice.
Jane Howarth, Senior Assistant Principal with responsibility for Safeguarding said: “At Ron Dearing UTC we’re dedicated to setting students up for success, not only in their qualifications and careers but in their personal lives too.
“Safeguarding is our highest priority and we go above and beyond to provide all our students with additional advice and guidance throughout the school year, to ensure they are thoroughly equipped to make informed decisions about their wellbeing and safety as they enter adult life.”