Students prepared to make informed decisions about personal wellbeing

Teenagers at Hull’s employer-led school are receiving essential support to help them navigate their future relationships, make informed choices and keep themselves and others healthy and safe.

Students in Year 10 and 11 receive Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) throughout the year in weekly Personal Development lessons which are delivered by teaching staff as well as a range of professionals and specialists from different services in the local area.

Building on their earlier learning, students in Years 12 and 13 recently took part in RHSE sessions to provide them with important information to help keep safe and healthy, and embrace the challenges of adult life.

RHSE sessions provide students with important information about relationships, sex, sexuality, emotions, and sexual health.


Throughout the sessions students revisited their understanding of topics including healthy relationships, consent and the law, safeguarding and abuse, and sexual health.

Jessica Cocker, Teacher of RE and Fundamental British Values, who led the sessions said: “RHSE is particularly relevant to young people who are on the cusp of leaving home, such as those planning to go to university or who are old enough to attend festivals and night clubs and drink alcohol in pubs.

“Raising awareness of the risks associated with drinking alcohol, drug-taking and unhealthy relationships was, therefore, a key focus of the Year 12 and Year 13 sessions.”

The sessions cover topics such as healthy relationships, consent and the law, safeguarding and abuse, and sexual health.


In addition to the face-to-face RHSE sessions at RDUTC, students regularly receive information, advice and guidance in the form of monthly ‘Spotlight on Safety’ e-bulletins, which cover areas such as sexually transmitted infections, contraception and where to go for support and advice.

Jane Howarth, Senior Assistant Principal with responsibility for Safeguarding said: “At Ron Dearing UTC we’re dedicated to setting students up for success, not only in their qualifications and careers but in their personal lives too.

“Safeguarding is our highest priority and we go above and beyond to provide all our students with additional advice and guidance throughout the school year, to ensure they are thoroughly equipped to make informed decisions about their wellbeing and safety as they enter adult life.”

Students also receive a monthly ‘Spotlight on Safety’ e-bulletin, which covers areas such as sexually transmitted infections, contraception and where to go for support and advice.

School’s multi-faith activities foster greater understanding and empathy among students

Students at Ron Dearing UTC are developing their understanding of a wide range of faiths and cultures thanks to the school’s commitment to fostering an inclusive learning environment.

Throughout the school year the UTC hosts a range of multi-faith activities to help students develop a greater understanding and tolerance for people of a diverse range of backgrounds.

By learning about different cultures and religions, students are better equipped to challenge stereotypes, build empathy and support inclusivity.

As well as celebrating Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter, the school celebrates religious festivals from other religions, including the Hindu festival of Diwali, the Jewish festival, Hanukkah and the Muslim festival, Eid-al-Fitr.

A student designs a Rangoli pattern. These are often made during Diwali, an important Hindu religious holiday that celebrates the victory of light over darkness.


The school also recently hosted a multi-faith panel to answer student’s questions about different faiths and beliefs.

Community organisation Hull and East Riding Interfaith visited students with panellists on this occasion representing faiths including Islam, Christianity, Progressive Judaism and Atheism.

Panel members were impressed by the students and said the questions asked were “engaging and respectful”.

Panellists from community organisation Hull and East Riding Interfaith represented faiths including Islam, Christianity, Progressive Judaism and Atheism.    


Jessica Cocker, teacher of RE and Fundamental British Values, said: “Our holistic Personal Development curriculum has a key focus on religious education, ensuring students develop an understanding of different faiths and cultures around the world, many of which are represented within our school community.

“Students are encouraged to be curious and learn about different cultures and celebrations from the religions covered in class as well as participate in hosted events such as the Diwali-themed lessons and enrichment activities, the multi-faith panel which included visitors from the local area and the Christmas lunch meal.

“Multi-faith celebrations are a huge part of the RDUTC culture with a clear emphasis on promoting respect for and understanding of others.”

Opening students’ eyes to opportunities after Ron Dearing UTC

Students at Ron Dearing UTC are gaining valuable insights to help open their eyes to the opportunities available to them after school thanks to a new programme which is providing the inside scoop on a wide variety of careers.

The school has launched a new ‘Lunch and Learn’ programme for the 2024-25 academic year to equip students with valuable insider knowledge on job roles across a range of industries.

Students from all year groups are invited to attend the sessions and hear from industry experts about their personal career journeys.

The sessions aim to shed light on the essential skills, qualifications and personal qualities students need to access roles in the guest speaker’s field, as well as highlight career pathways and progression routes.

The teenagers will also gain valuable insights into the speakers’ roles, including challenges and rewards of the job, what a typical day looks like and much more.

Lisa Regan, Assistant Principal: Professionalism said: “The strong support from both students and the professional community has made the launch of our Lunch and Learn programme a resounding success.

“This initiative provides enhanced access to excellent careers advice and guidance for our students, allowing them to explore diverse career paths and gain valuable insights from professionals from diverse backgrounds.

“By connecting students with industry experts, we are further enriching their career exploration opportunities, opening their eyes to possibilities they may not have otherwise considered, which will undoubtedly significantly impact their future choices.

“We’ve been incredibly encouraged by the level of student engagement, with students actively choosing to attend these sessions, expressing their gratitude to the volunteers and asking insightful questions.”

Since the programme launched in September, sessions have already featured talks from an Accountant, Bid Writer, Mental Health Nurse and Clinical Lead Nurse, with the first session of the Spring term featuring a talk from an NHS GP.

Year 10 student Megan Huntington has attended two of the sessions from professionals working in medical fields.

She said: “I’m still unsure exactly what I want to do after school so the Lunch and Learn sessions have given me the chance to look at a range of options that are open to me and help me start thinking about what areas I am most interested in.”

Year 12 student, Jim Hagar has also attended a number of the sessions to find out more about career pathways.

They said: “I’m undecided on what I want to do after completing my A Levels, as I’m interested in both the medical field and English, so having the opportunity to hear from people working in both those areas has been really useful and I’m especially looking forward to the journalism talk.”

Fellow Year 12 student Cameron Smith added: “My goal is to become a surgeon so I’ve attended both the nursing and GP talks. They’ve both been really helpful and insightful.

“It’s especially interesting to hear about a day in the life of professionals from various fields and how they reached their current roles.”

Upcoming sessions will feature talks from professionals including a Flight Lieutenant, Journalist, R&D Associate, Professor in Computer Science and many more.

Concluding, Lisa added: “We’re incredibly grateful for the generous contributions of our local professional volunteers, whose insights and experiences are invaluable. Their commitment to supporting the next generation is truly inspiring.

“We’re excited to continue building upon this success, expanding the programme and inviting even more professionals to share their expertise, ensuring our students are well-equipped to navigate their future career paths.”

If you are a professional interested in sharing your career journey with our students, please contact Lisa Regan at [email protected] to express your interest.